What We Do
La Nao in the Greater Bay Area
Company Formation in Hong Kong
Incorporate your company and secure a business account.
Incorporation package starts at HKD 7,000.00
A One Stop Service Office
From company formation, account opening, corporate secretary and accounting we have a team ready to assist you.
Our team aims to promote the trade through Hong Kong in the Belt and Road and Greater Bay Area initiatives.
Hong Kong
Unit 19B, Golden Star Building, 20-24 Lockhart Road, Wanchai,
Hong Kong
Delight Pacific Suites, Suite 10K
Xinzha Road #831, Jing'an District Shanghai, China 200041
Tel: + (852) 2528 4999
Fax: + (852) 2528 9994
Email: info@la-nao.com
Buenos Aires
Av. Presidente M. Quintana
386 1° B, Recoleta, CABA,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Webinar: Doing Business in Hong Kong During Covid-19
Need more details? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.